legal notice

Legal Notice:

This web site also contains links to other Internet sites. We hereby explicitly point out that we have no influence on the content and design of those linked Internet pages and are therefore unable to guarantee actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of the contents published there. We therefore distance ourselves from the contents of all external sites. This declaration is valid for all external links and its contents which are not part of our website.

You will also find a plug in all our sites which allows a direct connection to servers of social networks. In this case, information on visits to our sites can be transmitted to these social networks.


Eurobase GmbH
17, Fausermillen
6689 Mertert
Phone+352 / 74 92 92 - 1
Fax+352 / 74 00 44
Managing Directors:
Peter Kühnel, Dipl.-Ing.
Edgar Kertels, Dipl.-Ing.
Klaus-Rainer Hank, Dipl.WIng. (FH), Dipl.Inform. (FH)
No. Auto d'Etb.:107011
R.C. Luxembourg:B92135
No. TVA:LU19 5653 31
Capital social de 250.000 €
Siège social:Mertert


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